Crinion Plateau
What is Crinion Plateau? It is a substructure, a bench system, a conference table, a trader desk or a team table. It is the technology hub, a spine for attaching anything that a user requires. It is designed to bring people together, to communicate and collaborate, to discuss and make decisions, to trade and swap information in the most space-efficient package possible. Using Plateau’s core substructure, groups of components can be attached to create meeting tables, conference tables, touch down/hot-desk zones, focused-work benches, open/ team benches, trading benches… A solution where you move people, not furniture.
Designed by Jonathan Crinion, 2001
Plateau is furniture as architecture. A facility that supports the ever changing demands of the work place, simply, organically, in harmony with the building it occupies. Plateau is architectural in scale with clear spans of up to 6 metres without intermediate supports. Plateau becomes part of the infrastructure. Assemble it and forget it. The capacity for cabling is enormous. Wiring can be loaded prior to the worksurfaces being fitted, but remains accessible.
The Plateau infrastructure remains fixed while the work place remains endlessly flexible. Working positions are not defined by intermediate legs. People move, teams form and disperse without the need to reconfigure furniture. Zero churn. Density and work place dimensions become variable. Plateau worksurfaces may be fixed or individually height adjustable. Personal spaces can be customised with lamps, dividing screens and desk accessories. The details are beautiful with rich veneers and solid aluminium grommets.
If you would like more advice or you require more than one chair please call and we will be able to help. Were happy to send you a formal quote, along with details of other options.